הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם



Nof Avy farm
Yisrael and Sarah Rapaport are the new pioneers of Israel.

The Rapaports founded a beautiful farm on Kida mountain in the Shiloh region. It's name, "Chavat Nof Avy" is an acronym in memory of Avraham and Yaffa Mintz, Yisrael's grandparents who were central to the Gush Emunim movement that first settled Samaria.

At twilight each morning, volunteer shepherdesses would take the herd to pasture nearby the homestead. These idealistic youth were both returning to the path of their forefathers and maintaining Jewish presence in the area.

To everyone's surprise, this farm was nevertheless singled out by the authorities to be destroyed. After investing hundreds of thousands of shekels, and countless hours to create this gem of a farm, the Rapaports and their volunteers were forced to dismantle everything, or face the bulldozers.

Yisrael is a veteran of the elite IDF commando unit "Maglan," and has no intention of giving up. The Rapaports are struggling to maintain their herd, without adequate facilities and shelter.

In order to rectify this injustice, Yisrael and Sarah's family and friends have began a campaign to start a new farm in a very strategic area. This time it will be located in an area which is authorized.

We call to you, Zionists and lovers of the land of Israel, to be part of this effort to protect the land of Israel, build its youth, and help a family which has lost their home and livelihood.

Please be a part of this effort to reach the goal that will allow Chavat Nof Avy to rise again!