הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


Let’s Rebuild
the House of Harrari Harp Workshop
The King David Harp Shop in the hills of Jerusalem, an international treasure, has been consumed by a terrible fire that raged in the Jerusalem hills a few weeks ago.
Everything within it has become ashes.

These are rare harps that are handcrafted with the ancient designs of King David from the times of the Temple.

Thousands around the world have them in their home and enjoy their song. They are featured in museums worldwide and the Temple Institute of Jerusalem also collects these harps for the future Temple.

Shoshanna and Micah Harrari, have spent the last forty years hand crafting these custom-made beautiful instruments. The Biblical Harp Shop, once filled with the sound and fragrance of precious wood being carved, and biblical harps being played, was completely destroyed within hours.

However, with hope in our hearts, we are now moving into a rebuilding/ renewal phase to make this, instead of a tragedy, a new opportunity... to bring King David Harps back in an even better way.

It is a big project, and it is clear, we cannot do this alone, and so are asking people worldwide to please open your hearts, and join us in this exciting rebuilding project.

We have great hope that the harp of David will not be left once more to just become another mythical legend in the ashes.

Please give what you can and share this campaign far and wide.

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Micah Harrari 0523436027