הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


Let us give to the one who gave everything!

We hug and support the family of our fallen soldier, Dvir Chaim Ressler from the 51st Battalion in the Golani Brigade, who fell in the "Iron Swords" war while defending his friends and the Israeli nation.

We are calling on you to help the soldier's family who are having financial difficulties and support them in any possible way- because we have no choice!

Each donation will be greatly appreciated!
It is our duty and our obligation!

Dvir's family and battalion comrades

This campaign is authorized by the family.

For donations- Bank transfer:
Pagi bank (52)
Branch 180
Account number 856002
Account name Torat Lechima
It should be noted:
Campaign for Dvir's family