הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


My husband and I established an agricultural farm in the Jordan Valley about two years ago.
The State of Israel owns our entire property. However, the Palestinian Authority is constantly trying to seize these lands that belong to Israel. The purpose of the farm is to protect state lands from Palestinian takeover.

We arrived with our four children in a desolate land. There were no roads, no water, and no electricity. We have dedicated ourselves to this mission of preserving Israeli land. We have slowly built a home to live in, paved a road, planted trees, and built basic infrastructure for electricity and water. But we have only just begun. We plan on establishing a community here. This requires building houses, a synagogue, and a mikveh, this community will strengthen Israel’s hold on this holy land.

We turn to you to stand with us and help support the Emek Tirzah Farm in the Jordan Valley. Our farm which helps and, protects thousands of dunams every day and keeps the land in Jewish hands.

Thank you so much!

Moriah and Moshe Sharvit

צור קשר
