הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם
Dear Partners,

Over the past year, Yeshivat Homesh has experienced incredible growth and development. Dozens of new students have joined the Yeshiva and young families have joined our community. Together, we've strengthened our presence in the Land of Israel.

Now, it's time to elevate Homesh to the next level.

Thanks to your support, we have overcome significant challenges with hard work and creative solutions. We've brought in electricity and running water, acquired essential security equipment, and built homes, bomb shelters, a dining hall, and more. These efforts have transformed Homesh into a lively and thriving community.

But Homesh is more than just a yeshiva.

Homesh embodies a vision. It represents a strong and flourishing Jewish settlement in the heart of the Land of Israel. It is a place that nurtures a new generation of Torah scholars and leaders, deeply rooted in the land with a resolute focus on the future.

And this future relies on you.

Dear partners, we reach out to you today for your continued support. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to this vision. Each shekel or dollar you contribute makes you a partner in building Homesh, fortifying Yeshivat Homesh, and shaping the future of the Land of Israel.

Don't miss the chance to be part of this historic endeavor.

Join us today and become partners in building the land and educating the next generation.


Rabbi Elishama Cohen
Rosh Yeshivat Homesh

Shmuel Wende
Director of Homesh