הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


Writing a new Torah scroll in merit of the
speedy return of Avinatan Ohr

Please don't let us get to day 100!!!
Avinatan has been in Hamas captivity for 94 days!!!

On October 7th, Avinatan was kidnapped to Gaza. And since then,

his family knows nothing of his wellbeing.

The residents of Shilo are turning to you to help us in spreading Light for our friend and child of Shilo.

Avinatan Ben Ditza Tirza
Together with all the other hostages.

Help us reach our goal to dedicate a new Torah scroll in merit of Avinatans' speedy return.

Ditza and the family are part of this project, and it has raised their spirits.
Let's show them how important they are to us and that we are waiting and praying every day for Avinatans' speedy return in good health.

Join us.
We cannot sit idly by.
We must be proactive.
We need you.