הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


This Year
!It’s in Your Hands

On this Yom Yerushalayim
we will liberate the Har Habayit once again!

In the Six Day War, the Israeli paratroopers did their part.
Unfortunately, we all know what happened afterward.
Now, it is your turn to empower those who are reclaiming the Temple Mount!
The dedicated students of Yeshivat Har Habayit, led by Rav Eliyahu Weber and Rav Elisha Wolfson,
strive relentlessly to restore the rightful status of Har Habayit, transforming it into a center of Torah and prayer, liberating it anew.

Grant us the ability to continue as your representatives on the Temple Mount,
to pray for you and your loved ones...

Six years of daily shacharis have transformed the situation immensely.
With three years of an active kollel, whose members ascend the Mount daily - in accordance with Halacha - for mincha and Torah studies,
the Kollel has brought immense changes on the Har Habayit!
Previously, one could be arrested for uttering a brief prayer on the Temple Mount, but the regular visits by the yeshiva and kollel students have paved the way for Jews to pray out loud during the hours that the Temple Mount is open to them.
A large number of Jews now ascend the Temple Mount in purity and in accordance with Halacha, to participate in the prayer and Torah learning there.
As we approach Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, commemorating our return to the Temple Mount after thousands of years, you have an opportunity to strengthen the Jewish presence, the resounding voice of Jewish prayer and Torah on the Temple Mount.
Now, more than ever!
Empower the liberators of Har Habayit!
Join us in strengthening the kedusha and Torah on Har Habayit.

Thanks to you, yeshiva students will be able to learn Torah throughout the hours permitted to Jews on Har Habayit!

Today it is up to you!
Assist us in strengthening the Jewish presence on Har Habayit.
Help us double the number of regular visitors to Har Habayit.
Help us send our message to the Jewish People.