הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


Thousands of Jewish refugees from all over Ukraine found themselves one morning homeless and without shelter. The Jewish communities in Ukraine disintegrated and thousands of Jews again wandered the roads, fleeing the fire of war.

Many of the refugees fled to the border through the city of Uman, which is on the main road, right on the escape line to the Ukrainian border. Hundreds of buses have been unloaded in the last two weeks by Jewish refugees in Uman. They came to the city to stop on the way, because they knew that there was a warm Jewish community and they hoped that artisan Jews would open their hearts and host them, in the best Jewish tradition in times of trouble and war.

And Uman residents did not disappoint. Two of the Jews of the local Jewish community, Rabbi Peretz Krahan and Avrami Landau, decided to open their hearts and since the outbreak of the war they have been providing hot meals, accommodation and hospitality for the thousands of Jewish refugees who filled Uman. For hundreds of them special assistance was also needed to smuggle them to the border and escape them from the inferno of war.

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Now they need you to continue caring for the refugee Jews!

While you are celebrating Purim, there are Jews who are just thinking about how to eat a hot meal tonight and pray that they will have a bed offered for accommodation.

Donate gifts to the needy to the sons of the Blessed One who are oppressed from the torments of war!

צור קשר
