הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


saving "Sedah Kalev "
"עלה נעלה כי יכול נוכל לה"

Restore security, strengthen presence, don't let Hamas burn the place down.
40 years ago, Menachem Livni planted a sweet cherry orchard and a vineyard of fine wine grapes on the Sedah Kalev farm, a plot of land bought 90 years ago by the Jews of Hebron. He holds the place with devotion, in daily danger and thus preserves the entire space.

The army gives strategic importance to the agricultural farm. The area blocks the Arab village of Bnei Naim and is a front line of defense for Kiryat Arba.

During the agricultural seasons, groups of students come from all over the country. And the security directives require advance coordination with military.The bringing of the workers and students to the place required in bullet-proof buses.

Over the years, the farm has suffered from terrorist attacks and serial vandalism, , damage to trees and the irrigation systems, burning of sheds and buildings, and damage to the cameras and security systems.
Since the war the attacks and destruction are increasing in order to take control of the area and control the access road to Hebron and force Menachem to abandon the area.

The deterrence, warning and protection systems for the place have been damaged by the terrorist attacks since the War. They must be fixed and upgraded immediately.

Over the years, the farm has become a symbol of our hold on the Land of Israel and the Hebron mountains, Jewish work, love of the homeland. There is a Zionist, value and security importance to our continued hold on the place and the cultivation of the vineyards and orchards.

We need your help to:
*Renew the existing security system.
* To allow the continuation of agricultural activity in the place.
* And strengthen the Jewish presence and land hold in the Kiryat Arba - Hebron area.

We call you to be partners with us in strengthening settlement and security in "Sedah Kalev".