הזדהה באמצעות

השאר ללא שם


Kollel Ki Tov
Givat Ze'ev, Jerusalem

Situated in a small shul in the neighborhood of Givat Ze'ev,
the stirring voice of learning ascends from Kollel Ki Tov,
spreading the word of Torah and Ahavas Yisrael throughout the neighborhood.
It is the neighborhood’s pioneering full-day Kollel and its spiritual lighthouse!
The kollel consists of a group of outstanding avreichim and bnei aliyah who ascend the ladder of Torah
and ruchniyus while investing great efforts to enhance their character and Yiras Shamayim.
As they plumb the depths of gemara and halachah, they serve as spiritual role models for the community,
disseminating the holiness of Torah and its values to the residents.
Another aspect of the Kollel's brilliant light is the broad range of shiurim that take place round the clock

and attracts learners of all streams and congregations,
uniting them in love of Torah and inviting them to partake and experience its wisdom.
The entire financial burden of the Kollel has fallen on the shoulders of the Rosh haKollel,

HaRav Yechiel Gerstel shlit"a, a nativ of France and alumnus of the hailed yeshivos of Manchester, Tifrach and Brisk.
To succeed, the Kollel needs your help!

Each and every one of you has the ability to lend a hand, to give a piece of yourselves,

to add strength and light so the Kollel can continue to flourish with ferver and exuberance.
Coming up is a special two day campaign! Dec.26 and 27 is your opportunity to stand at Rav Gerstel’s side,

to be with him in this special undertaking. You can merit tremendous blessings by enabling the sound of Torah to be heard in Givat Ze’ev.
Rav Gerstel calls out “עמוד לימיני” Stand at my side - be with me!


לתרומות בהעברה בנקאית:
’כולל כי טוב ’
בנק מרכנתיל - 17, סניף - 642, מס' חשבון 82004406