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קישור לסרטון

קישור לסרטון

קישור לסרטון
Building the Shul
On Ma’ale Ha-Zeitim – the Mount of Olives

The neighborhood of Ma’ale Ha-Zeitim, is located on the Mount of Olives, and look directly onto the Kotel and the Old City. The neighborhood was established in the year 5763 (2003) after years of struggling to redeem the land.

Since then, the neighborhood has experienced many periods, which have included harassment by hostile elements. But the core group, which began the community, did not give up, and – with the help of Hashem – the neighborhood has developed over the past 13 years and now has 1000 residents.

The verse "The small will become a thousand" (Yeshayahu 60:22) has been fulfilled through us.

The neighborhood of Ma’ale Ha-Zeitim is the largest Jewish neighborhood to the east of the Old City. The neighborhood has a very lively community, an active Shul, a Mikveh built by the Jerusalem Municipality, nursery schools and pre-nursery schools where 100 children learn, an active youth group, many weekly Torah classes, a Kollel, and a long list of activities and events throughout the year. In addition, there is frequent transportation to the city center.

We are in the midst of intense work to build the crown jewel of the neighborhood: the main Shul. This will be the first Shul on Har Ha-Zeitim, which will overlook the Temple Mount, to which all Jewish eyes gaze. This impressive building will be prominently viewed by all visitors to the Kotel and it will serve as a significant act of strengthening the Jewish settlement of eastern Jerusalem.

The neighborhood's residents established the non-profit "Mikdash Me'at Maale Zeitim" to advance this project. Donations are tax free in Israel or tax-free donations may be made through US non-profits, such as the Central Fund of Israel.

We invite the Jewish Nation to be partners in this great project, which includes the Mitzvah of building a Shul, the Mitzvah of building Jerusalem and the strengthening of the Jewish settlement next to and overlooking the Temple Mount.

Become partners in building the Shul on Ma’ale Ha-Zeitim!